Save Water at Home: A Simple Way to Protect the Cannon River Watershed

As residents of the Cannon River Watershed, we know firsthand the importance of protecting our water resources. The Cannon River and its tributaries provide drinking water, recreational opportunities, and critical habitat for fish and wildlife. However, as our community grows, the pressure on our water resources increases, and we must all take proactive steps to conserve water at home.

Thankfully, we can reduce our household water consumption in many simple and effective ways. Today, we’re focusing on water conservation tips in the bathroom. These small changes can significantly impact our water usage and are easy to implement.

Fix Any Leaks

The most common undetected leaks in a home are in toilets and washing machines. According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, toilet leaks can waste over 200 gallons of water daily. A bad flapper or other easy-to-repair parts usually cause them. You can use leak detection tablets or food coloring readily available at your local hardware store to detect a leak in your toilet.

Switch to Low-Flow Showerheads

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a family uses approximately 40 gallons of water daily for showering. If you want to conserve water and reduce utility expenses, switching to a low-flow showerhead is a good idea. When selecting a showerhead, look for the WaterSense label, which can help you identify models that save water and perform well.

Make a Conscious Effort to Use less Water Overall

Reduce water usage by taking shorter showers, turning off water while brushing and shaving, and avoiding unnecessary toilet flushes.

The City of Northfield has a fabulous rebate program that rewards property owners for making water-efficient home upgrades. If you have a utility account with the city, you can receive rebates for installing high-efficiency washing machines, showerheads, and toilets. All you need to do is fill out the appropriate application and provide the necessary documentation. Visit the City of Northfield website to learn more about the rebate program.

However, the benefits of water conservation at home go beyond rebates. Reducing our water usage can save money on our water bills, significantly benefiting many households. Additionally, by conserving water, we can ensure that we have enough water to meet our needs in the future, even during drought.

As members of this beautiful community, it's our responsibility to do our part to protect our water resources. By conserving water at home, we can positively impact the health of the Cannon River and its tributaries. So, let's all take action today and make small changes in our daily habits. Together, we can protect our precious water resources for generations to come.


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