A Water Festival in Downtown Northfield

Clean River Partners teamed up with the City of Northfield and HealthFinders Collaborative recently to organize a remarkable event in Bridge Square called "Nuestra Agua, Nuestras Vidas," which translates to "Our Water, Our Lives" in English. This event aimed to foster a deeper connection with the local Latine community, raise awareness about water-related issues, and empower Northfield residents to advocate for improvements in their drinking water and local water bodies.

At the heart of the event was the intention to engage and educate the community. The day was filled with water-themed activities and informative stations designed to encourage participation and promote a better understanding of stormwater pollution and water conservation.

The event was not just about water, but also about community and support. One of the highlights was the delectable tacos from El Triunfo, a beloved local Mexican restaurant. Event organizers were excited to provide attendees with delicious food while supporting and showcasing a local business.

The event featured a diverse range of activities, including a stormwater and recreation station, which aimed to educate participants about stormwater pollution prevention through an interactive fishing game. Additionally, the water conservation station prompted attendees to contemplate the impact of water extremes and contribute to a collaborative mural activity led by talented local artist Rocky Casillas Aguirre.

At the drinking water station, attendees had the opportunity to learn about Northfield’s tap water and provide feedback on the new drinking water treatment plant. Meanwhile, artists from Mercado Local contributed to the festive atmosphere by displaying and selling their beautiful home goods, stickers, and more.

The success of "Nuestra Agua, Nuestras Vidas" is a testament to our collective efforts. The event created an inclusive and welcoming space for all community members to come together, learn, and celebrate the importance of water in our lives. This achievement paves the way for future events, strengthening our community and our commitment to clean water

Event photos are courtesy of CRP Board Member Margie O’Loughlin.


Understanding Your Water Footprint