Northfield Stormwater Pollution Solutions Poster Contest

This story was featured in the Northfield News.

Liv Tapper (Grade 2-3) and Piper Becker (Grade 4-5) won first place in the 2024 Northfield Stormwater Pollution Solutions Poster Contest. Students from Spring Creek Elementary, Greenvale Park Elementary, Bridgewater Elementary, and Prairie Creek Community School submitted 50 posters for the contest.

Back row, left to right: City Council Members Jami Reister, George Zuccolotto, Kathleen Holmes, Brad Ness, and Mayor Rhonda Pownell. Front row, left to right: Students Piper Becker, Noelia Trevino-Avila, Maeve Muza, Savio Dennison, and Liv Tapper.

"We saw some really creative and unique posters this year. The students were able to communicate clear messages in eye-catching ways, letting us all know what we can do to keep the Cannon River clean,” said Heron Mahr of Clean River Partners. β€œIt's a great reminder that our future is in good hands."

You can see the 2024 first, second, and third place posters from each age group in the display cabinet at Northfield City Hall (801 Washington Street, Northfield). The Northfield City Council celebrated the contest winners at their recent Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 4.

Stormwater is the excess water from rainfall or melted snow and ice that flows into the storm drains in cities and municipalities. Pollutants such as garden fertilizer, soapy suds from washing your car, and other icky substances like paint or oil can find their way into these storm drains. After going through a series of storm sewers, these substances flow directly into the Cannon River and endanger the natural ecosystems of the watershed.

The City of Northfield is already hard at work using street sweepers and other practices to reduce stormwater pollution. However, in order to keep city stormwater as clean as possible, we all need to work together.

Simple practices like picking up litter and pet droppings, sweeping grass clippings and fertilizer out of the street and into your lawn, planting deep-rooted native plants, and installing a rain barrel or rain garden can help to keep stormwater (and the river) clean and safe.

To learn more about what you can do to keep Northfield stormwater clean, visit the the City of Northfield and Clean River Partners websites!

2024 Northfield Stormwater Pollution Solutions Poster Contest Winners

Grade 2-3 Students

  • 1st Place: Liv Tapper, 3rd Grade, Bridgewater Elementary, Teacher: Ms. Kmoch

  • 2nd Place: Savio Dennison, 2nd Grade, Bridgewater Elementary, Teacher: Erik Swenson

  • 3rd Place: Jack Johnson, 2nd Grade, Greenvale Park Elementary, Teacher: Danielle Amundson

Honorable Mention

  • Addison Blumhoefer, 2nd Grade, Bridgewater Elementary, Teacher: Kayla LaVoy

  • Tilia Tonko, 2nd Grade, Greenvale Park Elementary, Teacher: Danielle Amundson

Grade 4-5 Students

  • 1st Place: Piper Becker, 4th Grade, Spring Creek Elementary, Teacher: Becky Haar

  • 2nd Place: Noelia Trevino-Avila, 4th Grade, Spring Creek Elementary, Teacher: Sra. McManus

  • 3rd Place: Maeve Muza, 4th Grade, Spring Creek Elementary, Teacher: Becky Haar

Honorable Mention

  • Rachel Ciolfi, 4th Grade, Spring Creek Elementary, Teacher: Becky Haar

  • Violet Christensen, 4th Grade, Spring Creek Elementary, Teacher: Becky Haar


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