Our Work

Cannon River Watershed-Wide Cleanup

For over a decade, hundreds of volunteers from communities across the Cannon River watershed have dedicated a morning each fall to clean up area parks, rivers, and lakes. Our annual cleanup not only allows individuals to connect with nature but also leaves the watershed in better shape than it was before, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers.

This year marked the 15th year of our cleanup project, which hosts sites across the almost million-acre watershed, including the Cannon River, Straight River, and 90 lakes. Over the past 15 years, volunteers have dedicated their time and effort to remove thousands of pounds of litter from these areas, including car seats, tires, lawn chairs, mattresses, food wrappers, clothes, and more, making a significant impact towards a cleaner and healthier environment.


By connecting the community to the watershed, we can inspire a sense of responsibility towards our environment, empowering us to keep the water healthy and clean. As we clean up the watershed, we promote healthier habitats and safer recreation, enhancing the beauty of our community and its surroundings. Through connecting neighbors and fostering community building, we help create a sense of togetherness and a brighter future for us all.


Through our collective efforts in 2023, we brought together 265 volunteers across 11 cleanup sites in the watershed, making a significant impact on keeping our environment healthy and clean.


Our goal is to expand the cleanup efforts into more communities along the watershed, reaching more people and making a more significant impact toward a cleaner and healthier environment. We also aim to cover parts of the shoreline that are often neglected and not easily accessible to ensure that all areas of the watershed are taken care of and kept clean, leaving no part of our environment behind.


St. Olaf College

Carleton College




General Public


2008 - Present


Heron Mahr, Community Engagement Coordinator


507-786-3913 x 5

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