ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to inclement weather, this event has been rescheduled to Fri, Dec 20.
After tackling clean water challenges in their neighborhoods, 4th and 5th-grade students will come together with Clean River Partners, River Bend Nature Center, and the City of Faribault to celebrate their achievements and earn their Clean River Rangers badges. Let’s make a splash and recognize the incredible impact they’ve made for our community!
Accessibility Information
Accessible entrance
Accessible restrooms
Accessible parking
*There will be a Spanish interpreter at this event.
What is Clean River Rangers?
The Clean River Rangers Program is a joint effort between Clean River Partners and River Bend Nature Center to get more young people outside, taking action for stormwater health.
This project, modeled after the National Park Service’s Junior Ranger Program, extends students’ learning beyond the classroom. Students participating in the Clean River Rangers program can earn challenge stickers by completing clean water tasks in their neighborhoods. After earning six challenge stickers, along with the training sticker they received in class, students will be awarded their official Junior Clean River Ranger badges (for 4th grade) and Clean River Ranger badges (for 5th grade) during the Badge Ceremony. They will then serve as ambassadors for stormwater pollution prevention in their community.
Clean River Ranger Caregiver Feedback
We have caregiver feedback forms for you to share your thoughts on the Clean River Rangers program! Completing this 5-minute survey will help us improve resources for future Clean River Rangers. We appreciate your responses!
Evaluación por parte de los tutores de los Guardaparques de Clean River
Complete esta encuesta de no más de cinco minutos que nos ayudará a mejorar los recursos destinados a los futuros Guardabosques de Clean River. ¡Agradecemos sus respuestas!
Jawaab-celinta Daryeel-bixiyaha Clean River Rangers
Dhameystirka sahankan 5-daqiiqo ah ayaa naga caawin doona hagaajinta ilaha mustaqbalka ee Clean River Rangers. Waan ka mahadcelineynaa jawaabahaaga!
Contact Heron Mahr (they/them), our Community Engagement Coordinator
Phone: 507-786-3913 x 5
Thank you to our event supporters!