After tackling clean water challenges in their neighborhoods, 4th and 5th-grade students will come together with Clean River Partners and the City of Northfield to celebrate their achievements and earn their Clean River Rangers badges. Let’s make a splash and recognize the incredible impact they’ve made for our community!
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What is Clean River Rangers?
The Clean River Rangers Program is a joint effort between Clean River Partners and River Bend Nature Center to get more young people outside, taking action for stormwater health.
This project, modeled after the National Park Service’s Junior Ranger Program, extends students’ learning beyond the classroom. Fourth-grade students participating in the Junior Clean River Rangers program can earn challenge badges by completing clean water tasks in their neighborhoods. After earning six challenge badges, students will be presented with their official Junior Clean River Ranger badges at the Badge Ceremony and will act as stormwater pollution prevention ambassadors for their community. Fifth-grade students can advance from Junior Clean River Rangers to full Clean River Rangers the following year.
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