Hundreds of Volunteers Cleanup the Cannon!

We had beautiful weather and an excellent turnout for the 15th Annual Cannon River Watershed-wide Cleanup on September 16. We were joined by more than 265 volunteers in seven southeastern Minnesota communities--people just like you making a difference to keep the river a place to recreate, reflect, and connect! “This event reminds us how it really does take our whole community to care for the place where we live,” said Clean River Partners Executive Director Jennifer Tonko. “The river brings so much to our lives--the CleanUP is a great way to give back and to meet others who care.” CleanUP events took place in Cannon Falls, Northfield, Faribault, Medford, Owatonna, Waterville, Mazaska Lake and Shields Lake. 

“It felt good to be out in nature, have good conversations with others, and help the environment at the same time” said a student from St. Olaf College. In talking to volunteers, some saw the event as a way to do community service, since most cleanup sites were in city parks and natural areas. Others saw it as a way to do something hands-on to help care for area rivers and lakes. “Being able to clean up a park by a lake and along the roads really showed just how much trash gets left out. I feel like I contributed to the greater community by cleaning up the space that the community uses and in turn, the water” said another volunteer.

This was the 15th year of the cleanup, a project that hosts sites across the almost million-acre watershed, a region that includes the Cannon River, Straight River, and 90 lakes. Over the past 15 years, volunteers have removed thousands of pounds of litter, including items like car seats, tires, lawn chairs, mattresses, food wrappers, clothes, and more. 

“We are so proud of our volunteers for showing up and working together for cleaner water. And we’re looking forward to doing it all again next year,” said Clean River Partners Community Engagement Coordinator Hannah Mahr. “This event is becoming a real staple in the watershed, and we can’t wait to keep it going. In the coming years, we hope to expand to new communities and focus on stretches of the Cannon and Straight Rivers that are often overlooked. There’s always more to be done!”

To learn more about Clean River Partners and join a future event, visit

Article written by Felicia Hokenstad, Clean River Partners Communications Coordinator

Clean River Partners

Clean River Partners is a nonprofit organization that inspires people to value, protect, and improve land and water through inspiring events, conservation practices, and network building.


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