Why You Should Make the Switch to Native Plants!

Have you noticed an abundance of yellow, dry grass around town? Have you seen weeds and dirt patches poking up in lawns? Chances are, those grasses aren’t native to this region, and/or they’re struggling to get the nutrients they need. Fortunately, there’s another option for our yards: pollinator-friendly lawns and meadows full of native plants. Why make the switch? There are plenty of reasons:

  1. Native plants have long roots and are able to retain and infiltrate more water. Your plants will need some nurturing at first, but once they are well-established, you’ll save plenty of water — and money! Goodbye, water-hungry turfgrass.

  2. Your soil will be happier and healthier, because those long roots we mentioned help reduce soil compaction. When soil is packed down too tightly, plants struggle to absorb the nutrients they need.

  3. Native plants reduce runoff, since more water is being infiltrated into the ground. Less runoff leads to less chemicals and litter going down storm drains and results in healthier rivers and lakes.

  4. Native plants help to sequester, or store, more carbon in soil than non-native plants. This is due to their long root systems, which deposit carbon into deep soil layers. This means less carbon dioxide in our atmosphere!

  5. Native plants require minimal mowing or none at all, which saves you money and time.

  6. Your new pollinator-friendly yard will require fewer fertilizers and pesticides, which saves you money and keeps groundwater much cleaner.

  7. Introducing native plants to your lawn will increase pollinator and songbird habitat, which means you’ll have cool visitors! Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’re helping to protect biodiversity in your area.

So, how can you get started? Luckily, there are matching grants and rebate programs that can help fund your yard makeover. One such program is Lawns to Legumes, run by the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, funded by the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, and supported by the Monarch Joint Venture and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Lawns to Legumes offers free resources to Minnesota residents looking to transform their lawns into pollinator-friendly paradises. The program is currently accepting applications for cost-share grants up to $400 — so if you’re interested in creating pollinator habitat in your yard, hop online and apply before November 30, 2023! The individual cost-share program is managed by Blue Thumb, and the application is available on their website.

Susan Erickson, a grant recipient (and Clean River Partners member), had a great experience with Lawns to Legumes. Susan was already adding native plants to her yard when she learned about the program, but this grant helped speed up the process. “It’s been fun to watch the plants grow and see more pollinators move in,” said Susan, “but it’s just one door to supporting a healthy planet. Everything is connected. Working to support pollinators helps support balance everywhere.”

Many communities in Southern Minnesota are making strides toward becoming more pollinator-friendly. So what are you waiting for? Start saving water and supporting pollinators by planting native plants. The bees, butterflies, and your bank account will thank you.


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