Coming Together to Clean Up the Cannon

Volunteers (Audrey Revier on the left) at Morehouse Park in Owatonna, MN for the Watershed-Wide Cleanup—taken by Jennifer Tonko.

The Watershed-Wide Cleanup is an annual event hosted by our organization that unites communities in the Cannon River watershed to pick up litter in area parks, rivers, and lakes. Connecting the community to the watershed can inspire a sense of responsibility towards our environment, empowering us to keep the water healthy and clean. Through our collective efforts in 2023, we brought together 265 volunteers across 11 cleanup sites in the watershed, including Morehouse Park in Owatonna.

Volunteers from Bushel Boy at Morehouse Park in Owatonna, MN for the Watershed-Wide Cleanup—taken by Jennifer Tonko.

One of our cleanup volunteers is Audrey Revier. Growing up in Owatonna, MN, she developed a passion for biology and natural resource conservation at a young age. Audrey’s first experience with Clean River Partners and our Watershed-Wide Cleanup was in middle school, and she’s now a graduate of Wartburg College and a professional in the biology field. She has participated in our annual cleanup event at least four times, and we were curious about what motivates her to return.

Audrey's dedication and passion for cleaning up the watershed is genuinely inspiring. She takes pride in minimizing waste and considers it an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in her community. “The cleanup event is an excellent opportunity to get involved, but if you can’t make it on that specific date, you can always pick up litter while you’re on a walk in the park,” said Audrey. The efforts of our volunteers have not gone unnoticed, as she has observed a significant reduction in trash during the cleanup since her initial experience.

Audrey emphasized the importance of having access to clean water, which is often taken for granted. She emphasizes the importance of organizations like Clean River Partners that advocate for preserving water resources. Audrey's story reminds us that even small actions can make a significant impact, and we can all work together to build a better, cleaner future for our planet.


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